China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs comments on EU's additional tariffs on Chinese-made EVs: ”Necessary measures will be taken” - Chinese media
On the 12th, the European Union (EU) announced that it plans to impose additional tariffs of up to 38.1% on electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China. The tariffs are scheduled to take effect on July 4th.
In response to this, Lin Jian, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said at a regular press conference on the 13th, "China has principles that it must uphold. That is,
"The rules of the WTO and market regulations are important. China also has interests to protect, namely the legitimate rights and interests of China's electric vehicle industry and enterprises. Therefore, China will resolutely take all necessary measures," said the statement.
The European Union has been investigating since last year, alleging that Chinese government-subsidized electric vehicles are threatening the EU market.
At the same press conference, spokesman Lin said of the investigation, "It is a typical protectionist act. It ignores objective facts and the rules of the World Trade Organization.
"It goes against the flow of history and only hurts people," he said. He then called on the EU to "stop politicizing economic and trade issues, properly resolve economic and trade frictions through dialogue and consultation, and promote mutual trust between China and Europe."
"Avoid doing anything that would jeopardize trust, dialogue and cooperation."
2024/06/14 16:42 KST
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