President Yoon's approval rating has risen from its lowest point = Is this due to the ”visit effect”? = South Korea
Following the opposition party's landslide victory in the April 10 general election, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol's approval rating, which had fallen to its lowest level of 21%, has "risen" again.
The poll, conducted during President Yoon's visit to three Central Asian countries, showed that "diplomacy" again rose as a reason for support, which is seen as a result of President Yoon's "visit effect."
However, experts have analyzed that "the conservative voters' rallying together was due to resentment over the unilateral management of the National Assembly by the opposition parties and repeated provocations by North Korea."
According to a survey conducted by the Korean polling organization "Gallup Korea" on the 16th from the 11th to the 13th of this month on 1,000 men and women aged 18 and over in the second week of June,
President Yoon's approval rating was calculated at 26%, up 5 percentage points from the previous survey (in the fourth week of May), when it was 21%, the lowest since he took office.
Meanwhile, disapproval was at 66%, down 4 percentage points from the previous survey. The top reason for approving President Yoon was "diplomacy" (23%), up 10 percentage points from the previous survey.
This is believed to be due to President Yoon's recent visit to three Central Asian countries. This was followed by "increasing the number of medical school students" (10%), "Generally, they are doing well" (6%), and "decisiveness" (6%).
The top reason for disapproval was "the economy, people's livelihood, and prices" (13%), followed by "lack of communication" (9%), "general poor" (8%), and "incompetence" (10%).
"Diplomacy" (6%), etc.
2024/06/17 08:07 KST
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