The late Hara (KARA) and the ”180cm tall skinny” man who stole the safe in her home... A thorough search was conducted on the program = That's what we want to know
SBS's current affairs programme ‘That's What I Want to Know’ is accepting information to help find the culprit who escaped with the safe of the late Koo Hara, a member of the South Korean girl group KARA, who died in 2019.

 A trailer for the ‘Koo Hara Safe Theft Case’ was broadcast at the end of the programme, which aired on the 15th.

 In the trailer, the late Ms Hara's own brother appeared and said, "After my sister's 49th day, an acquaintance of hers asked me, 'Oppa (a term for a close older male friend), where did the safe go?‘," he said, "I searched for the footage all night. The footage ends, but they are hiding the CCTV with leaves."

 An acquaintance of the late Ms Hara said, "(The culprit) is someone I know, someone who knows what is in (the safe)."

 The production team also released CCTV outside Ms Hara's home.

 The footage shows one man climbing over a fence. The programme said it was ‘accepting information about this man’ and that he was ‘about 180 cm tall, skinny, estimated to be in his 20s or 30s, wearing glasses with degrees’.

 In January 2020, while the family was away from home after the late Hala's funeral proceedings, a man entered her home in Cheongdam-dong.

 On CCTV, the perpetrator concealed his face with glasses and a mask. He was also wearing gloves. The man pressed the PIN code for the front door, but as soon as he realised that the door would not open, he climbed the wall and entered the house from the second-floor balcony.

 The man stole only a safe measuring approximately 30 cm in length and width and fled. He did not touch any other expensive items. It is known that the safe contained a contract and a mobile phone he had been using.

 The suspect could not be identified in this case.

 Meanwhile, last month, on the 19th the BBC, an international media outlet, released a documentary titled ‘Burning Sun: the story of the women who exposed the secret chats of K-pop stars’. Through this video, Kang Kyung-yun, a reporter who covered the Club Burning Sun case, attracted attention when they confessed that Ms Hara had helped her in the process of covering the case.
2024/06/17 14:44 KST
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