South Korea's ”national competitiveness” rises to 20th place... Where is Japan? = South Korean report
South Korea rose to 20th place out of 67 countries in a national competitiveness assessment conducted by the International Institute of Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland, its highest ranking ever.
According to the South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the IMD released the results of the 2024 National Competitiveness Assessment, which includes the above information.
The IMD released the World Competitiveness Yearbook every June, targeting OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) member countries and emerging countries. "National competitiveness" is defined as the environment in which companies can operate easily.
This year, South Korea ranked 20th, up eight places from last year (28th).
This is also the highest ranking since last year. Singapore came in 1st place, which was 4th last year, followed by Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, Hong Kong, etc. Taiwan came in 8th, the United States came in 12th, and China came in 1st.
4th, Germany 24th, and Japan 38th.
2024/06/18 16:50 KST
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