BJ of girl group ”From” receives suspended sentence in second trial for ”falsely claiming to have been sexually assaulted”... ”It's also meaningful to give him a chance to rehabilitate himself”
The head of the management office of the idol group Broadcasting Jr., who was sentenced to prison in the first trial on suspicion of false accusations of attempting to sexually assault him,
On the 18th, the Seoul Central District Court Criminal Appeal Division 4-1 (Judge Yang Ji-jeong) decided to suspend the execution of idol Jockey, who was on trial for false accusations.
The court overturned the original sentence of one year and six months in prison for Ru Girls Group from A and sentenced him to one year and six months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered him to perform 160 hours of community service.
Mr. A was sentenced to prison and placed under legal detention in the first trial, but his sentence was reduced in the second trial and he was released.
The court said, "The crime of false accusation is an abuse of the state's right to punish and to harm others.
"If there had been no objective evidence in this case, the defendants would have received unjust punishment," he said.
On the other hand, "A trial requires consideration of the defendant's life.
"Considering that he is still a young man and that this is his first offense with no prior criminal history, we believe it would be meaningful to give him an opportunity for rehabilitation, even if not a prison sentence, through community service," the statement said.
"A member of the girl group "From" worked as a BJ after the group's hiatus, but she said she was sexually assaulted by the president of the management office in January last year.
The prosecution then found that Mr. A had asked the management office's representative to break up with his girlfriend, but when he refused, he became resentful and made a false statement.
2024/06/18 20:01 KST
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