ロシア外相「露朝の『相互支援』は “防衛的”立場のみ」
Russian Foreign Minister: ”Russia and North Korea's 'mutual assistance' is only in a 'defensive' position”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented that the clause in the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and North Korea that states that "the two countries will assist each other if the other is attacked" is a "defense clause."
On the 20th (local time), according to the Russian state-run TASS news agency, Foreign Minister Lavrov stated in an interview with Russian Federation TV Channel 1 that Russia and North Korea have
Regarding Article 4 of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between the DPRK and Russia, it states that if either side is attacked, the other side will provide all necessary assistance in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and the domestic laws of Russia and North Korea.
Article 51 of the UN Charter stipulates that "in the event of an armed attack on a UN Member State, the State may exercise the right of individual or collective self-defense."
In response to a question seeking clarification on the mutual assistance provision, Lavrov said, "This provision falls under Article 4 of the agreement."
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun held a summit in Pyongyang on the 19th, after which they
The two countries signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. The details of the agreement have not been made public, but President Putin said, "If either Russia or North Korea is attacked, we will support each other."
The plan includes such content."
2024/06/20 08:03 KST
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