”What would you do if your daughter swallowed it?” 2cm nut found in ice cream (South Korea)
In South Korea, a claim was made that a foreign object measuring about 2 cm had come out of a major company's brand of ice cream. Fortunately, no one swallowed the object, but if they had, it could have been harmful to children.
On the 19th, on the JTBC TV program "Case Leader," a story was told about an ice cream shop in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do.
It was reported that nuts were found in a cup of ice cream from a famous company. The source, Mr. A, said, "When my daughter took a bite of the ice cream, she felt something hard in it.
So I put my finger in and pulled it out and it was a nut. It looked like it was about 2 centimeters long," he said. Since it was in the ice cream, at first glance it looked like chocolate.
As he did not swallow the nut at the time, no major problems occurred, but if he had swallowed it unknowingly, it could have been a serious situation.
When Mr. A raised the issue with the brand, a company official said, "We outsource the manufacturing.
"It seems there was a problem," he said. Mr. A has sent the discovered nuts to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and requested an epidemiological investigation.
2024/06/20 20:58 KST
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