South Korea's Ministry of Defense to strengthen defense posture in response to new treaty between North Korea and Russia: ”Necessary measures will be taken”
On the 20th, South Korea's Ministry of National Defense expressed concern about the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between North Korea and Russia, and indicated its intention to take responsive measures.
"The South Korean military is deeply concerned about the conclusion of the treaty between Russia and North Korea and is taking the current situation very seriously," the ministry said, emphasizing that it is keeping a close eye on changes in the situation.
He also said, "We will take necessary response measures while maintaining a robust defense posture of the ROK-U.S. alliance," and "further strengthen the international security cooperation system, including ROK-U.S. and ROK-U.S.-Japan security cooperation."
"As security cooperation between North Korea and Russia strengthens, it is necessary to strengthen the existing security and military posture," said a senior official at the South Korean presidential office.
"The intention is to prepare for the possibility that a new treaty could provoke North Korea into taking rash actions."
2024/06/21 05:32 KST
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