前与党トップが尹大統領に電話…「勝つ政党を作る」と “党代表選”出馬の決意=韓国
Former ruling party leader calls President Yoon, decides to run for party leader in ”We will create a winning political party” = South Korea
Han Dong-hoon, former emergency response committee chairman, who has decided to run for the party leadership election for the ruling People Power Party, called President Yoon Seok-yeol on the 19th.
A former spokesman for the ruling party announced in a media announcement on the 20th that "former National Assembly Countermeasures Chairman Han called President Yoon yesterday (19th)."
Han, the former chairman of the National Assembly's National Assembly countermeasures committee, told President Yoon that he would "overcome the crisis and create a political party that can win," revealing his determination to run for the ruling party leadership election.
President Yoon reportedly offered words of encouragement. Han is expected to hold a press conference at the National Assembly on the 23rd of this month to officially announce his intention to run for the ruling party leadership election.
2024/06/21 07:58 KST
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