Actress Kim Hye Yoon exudes fresh beauty on bonus vacation in ”Run with Sungjae on Your Back”... Just like Im Sol
Actress Kim Hye Yoon went on a bonus holiday for "Run with Sungjae on Your Back." Kim Hye Yoon shared her recent status on the 21st.
The photo released this time shows him happily enjoying a bonus holiday for the tvNTV series "Run with Sungjae on Your Back."
The video includes images of Kim Hye Yoon having a fun time. Above all, Kim Hye Yoon is catching people's attention with her cute visuals and lively charm.
Meanwhile, "Run with Sungjae on Your Back" asks, "What if you had the chance to save your beloved idol?" The famous idol who saved you at the moment you let go of your life
This is a time-slip rescue romance in which Lim Sol, an ardent fan of artist Ryu Sung-jae, devastated by his death, travels back in time to 2008 to save her beloved idol.
2024/06/21 17:49 KST
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