It has been reported that the South Korean government has requested the Japanese government to release the list of passengers on the Ukishima Maru, in which several thousand South Koreans are said to have been killed.
On the 22nd, the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper reported that an official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, in charge of returning the remains of Japanese forced labor victims,
The paper quoted a Foreign Ministry official as saying, "We are trying to obtain the passenger list of the Ukishima Maru, the existence of which was recently confirmed."
The Ukishima Maru was a Japanese Navy transport ship that headed for Busan carrying Korean residents of Japan who were planning to return to their country just after the country's independence in 1945. August 22, 1945
The ship departed from Ominato Port in Aomori Prefecture on the 13th and attempted to dock at Maizuru Port in Kyoto two days later, but an explosion occurred in the bottom of the ship and it sank. The Japanese government announced that the Ukishima Maru had struck a mine and sunk, killing 3,700 of the passengers on board.
It said 524 people were killed, but families of the victims claim that Japan deliberately blew up the ship, killing more than 3,000 of the 7,500 to 8,000 people on board.
Japan did not raise or recover the body of the Ukishima Maru for several years after the disaster. Survivors and family members of the victims filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government in 1992.
The company filed a lawsuit in Japan over the violation of safety management obligations, but lost the case in 2004. The Japanese government has previously argued that the passenger list was lost at the time of the sinking, and that the list resembled the passenger list.
However, in response to a request for disclosure of information, the three lists were made public.
There are about 70 documents titled "lists" of people such as those who were arrested. We will look into them in detail and take appropriate action."
2024/06/23 07:05 KST
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