ヘリ(Girl's Day)、「応答せよ1988」のころに両親に家をプレゼント...ソン・ドンイル「うちの子たちもヘリのように育ったらいいのに」
HYERI (Girl's Day) gave her parents a house as a gift around the time of ”Reply 1988”... Sung Dong Il: ”I hope my kids grow up to be like HYERI”
Actor Song Dong-il spared no praise for Hyeri's (Girl's Day) personality.

Hyeri (Girl's Day) recently posted a video on her Youtube channel, 'Hell's club', titled "Dad says don't get sick as soon as you come..." and "Hijacking" which cost more CG than "Avatar". The two actors, who played father and daughter in the drama 'Love Sketch - Answer Me 1988', met again after a long time.

In the video, Song Dong-il said to Hyeri, "You've changed so much since the old days" and marvelled that she has no more flesh now.

He continued, "I think she's too skinny."

Song Dong-il also said, "I wondered if she could act" and added, "She was just ordinary. Her eyes were round..." He revealed his first impression of Hyeri.

"I like Hyeri a lot" and said, "When we finished working together, she said, 'Dad, I bought a house for my parents. I'm so happy. I would have said, 'I always wanted to tell you, Dad'," he recalled.

He added "I reviewed the helicopter. Actually. I thought she was very beautiful from the bottom of my heart" and confided, "I wished my children would grow up like her, like her personality and like this".
2024/06/24 06:48 KST
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