Heavy rain damage in southern China leads to insurance claims worth 619 million yen - Chinese media
China's State Financial Regulatory Administration said on the 23rd that recent continuous heavy rains in the southern region have caused floods and other disasters in Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Fujian and Hunan provinces.
The Bureau announced that damage had occurred, resulting in loss of life and property. In response, on the 18th, the Bureau notified the insurance industry to steadily carry out disaster response and insurance claim service operations.
The local insurance industry was notified and began to handle claims. By noon on the 23rd, local insurance agencies had received a total of 18,400 claims. Automobile insurance, commercial property insurance, agricultural insurance
The total amount of insurance claims has reached 619 million yen (approximately 136.19 trillion yen). In addition, related insurance organizations have dispatched nearly 10,000 personnel to the affected areas to provide assistance.
To date, 105 million former (approximately 33 trillion yen) in compensation has been paid.
2024/06/24 16:01 KST
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