2PM's Nichkhun's fan club practices sharing on his birthday
Fans of 2PM's Nichkhun shared their warm wishes on his birthday. Seung Ga Won, a disability welfare organization, sent a message from Nichkhun's fan club, HOTTEST.
The donation will be used to promote the independence of people with disabilities in Korea through an affiliated organization run by Seung Ga Won.
The device will be used for training and daily life support. Nichkhun, who is celebrating his 15th year since debut this year, has been active since holding a fan meeting in Jakarta last month.
The social welfare organization "Sung Ga Won" is "supporting the happy future of the disabled"
We are extremely grateful to the HOTTEST fans who participated in the precious donation," and added, "The donations we received will be used for the disabled person's family."
2024/06/25 15:01 KST
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