Actor Byeon WooSeok, the friendship between Sungjae and Inhyuk is never ending... Will he be the promotional fairy for Lee Seung Hyo's N.Flying's new song?
Actor Byeon WooSeok has confirmed the streaming of the new song by the group "N.Flying". On the 25th, Byeon WooSeok posted on his SNS story, "It's really good, isn't it?"
In the published photo, Byeon WooSeok is seen singing N.Fly's new song "Into
Byeon WooSeok and N.Flying's Lee
Seunghyub recently starred in the TV series "Run With Sungjae on Your Back," in which he played the roles of Ryu Sungjae and Baek Inhyuk, best friends.
Among them, Byeon WooSeok has been supporting Lee Seung Hyup's music career and showing his loyalty as always, making his fans happy.
Meanwhile, Byeon WooSeok and Lee Seung Hyup were loved through the recently concluded tvNTV series "Run with Sungjae on Your Back." "Run with Sungjae on Your Back" is a drama that depicts the story of "If
What if you had the chance to save your idol? A passionate fan who was in despair after the death of famous artist Ryu Sung-jae, who had saved him, at the moment he put his will in life aside.
This is a time-slip rescue romance in which Lee Seol, a female protagonist from the comedy duo, travels back in time to 2008 in order to save her idol.
2024/06/26 20:08 KST
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