”Brother and his wife are EMBEZZLEMENT?” Park Soo Hong unable to appear as witness through a partition... Disappointed by first trial ruling ”I trusted and relied on them”
Entertainer Park Soo Hong expressed disappointment over the first-instance ruling on his brother's embezzlement charges. On the afternoon of the 10th, the 7th Criminal Division of the Seoul High Court (Chief Judge Lee Jae Kwon)
The hearing saw the second hearing of the appeal trial of Park Soo-hong's brother, Mr. Park, and his wife, Ms. Lee, who were indicted on charges of violating the Act on Aggravated Punishment of Certain Economic Crimes, etc. (EMBEZZLEMENT).
Park Soo Hong appeared as a witness in the trial on the same day. Prior to his appearance, Park Soo Hong arranged for his brothers, Mr. Park and Mr. Lee, to not meet with him.
In the end, Park Soo-hong stood on the witness stand, facing the court, and said, "I was given too much material and evidence during the first trial.
"I showed them the documents, but it seems like the truth is being distorted, not the Embezlement case," he said, expressing disappointment at the ruling. Park Soo Hong, who said he trusted and loved his brother, said he had given up his personal assets in the Embezlement case.
He was found not guilty of the allegations of sexual assault, saying, "I'm grateful that he's the brother I can trust more than anyone else, even though there are a lot of disputes in the management office. He always told me that he was living for me, and I had absolute confidence in him.
"I think we must ensure that something like this never happens again. One person's sacrifice is for the benefit of others, even if it is a family, and this should not happen.
Prior to this, Park Soo Hong stated in April 2021 that he had suffered financial damages during the 10 years from 2011 to 2021 when his brother and sister-in-law were in charge of his management.
The prosecution has indicted the brother and his wife on charges of embedding. The prosecution has determined that the amount of embedding that the brother and his wife engaged in amounts to 6.2 billion won (approximately 620 million yen), and has arrested and indicted them.
In the first trial, the court ruled that Park had received 720 million won from the company Lael in February and 1.36 billion won from the media boom.
He admitted to embezzling 10,000 won and was sentenced to two years in prison. However, he was found not guilty of embezzling Park Soo Hong's personal assets.
2024/07/10 18:38 KST
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