Han Dong-hoon, head of People's Power, said, ”Our party's lawmakers united to block the Special Prosecutor's Bill for Private Choi” (South Korea)
Han Dong-hoon, the leader of the ruling People's Power Party, said on the 26th that the Special Prosecutor's Bill for Private Choi was ultimately rejected after a re-vote in the National Assembly, "I believe that our party's lawmakers were united in blocking it."
Han met with reporters immediately after attending the monthly meeting of party officials at the party headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul, that morning and said, "The special investigation proposed by the Democratic Party of Korea will absolutely not be carried out."
Regarding the four withdrawal votes that occurred in the re-vote the previous day, Han said, "I heard that there was a slight mistake. I was wondering whether the veto was OK or not.
"It seems there was a mistake," he said, warning against broad interpretation. "It's not just this law that's the problem, but the four broadcasting laws as well. This whole process, which also includes the attempt to impeach the vice chairman of the Korea Communications Commission, is an outrageous act of legislative violence.
Han said, "The public seems shocked and disgusted by the attempt to impeach the vice-chairman," and pointed out that the Democratic Party is not a target for impeachment under current law.
He pointed out that the president had proposed an unreasonable impeachment motion despite knowing the consequences. He continued, "Is it acceptable for the legislature to repeatedly take such unacceptable actions for a specific purpose?
Regarding the third-party recommended special prosecution bill for Corporal Choi, which he pledged to promote during the party convention, Han said, "Looking at the current situation, I think it is a sufficient alternative."
"There is no change in my belief that this is possible. I will explain through the democratic procedures within the party," he said.
"How long will the public continue to stand by and watch as the National Assembly stalls and people's lives are hindered? We will closely watch the situation together with the public," he added.
2024/07/26 20:57 KST
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