≪中華ドラマNOW≫「玉面桃花 〜福を呼ぶ契約結婚〜」33話、兵糧調達の不正について真実に近づく高正と許清嘉=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”The Beautiful Flower of Love” Episode 3, Gao Zheng and Xu Qingjia get closer to the truth about the corruption of military procurement = Synopsis and spoilers
*This article contains spoilers. In the Chinese TV series "The Peach Blossom of a Beautiful Woman" episode 3, Gao Zheng and Xu Qingjia are getting closer to the truth about the corruption of military procurement.
Gao Zheng is the daughter of Yu Zhongliang, a senior member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, for whom Yu Niang was framed, and Yu Niang herself is wanted for a crime she did not commit.
When Gao Zheng returned to Xu Qingjia's former, he told Xu Qingjia that Yu Niang was most likely Yu Zhongliang's daughter.
Following the clues given to them by their father, Takamasa and Xu Qingjia visit the old house and find a letter.
The letter described how the military supplies of King Ning, which Tobe had secured at the time, were to be transported to the disaster area designated by the Taishifu at the request of the Taishifu. Ikuno Ryo was shown the prince's private seal,
He had no choice but to give up on transporting military supplies to Jiangnan. After learning the truth of the situation, Xu Qingjia visited the palace of King Ning and explained to King Ning how Yu Zhongliang had been accused of a crime he did not commit. King Ning also said that Xu Qingjia had
He was convinced that Xu Qingjia's story was not a lie, because he had accurately told the name of the son's private seal. Meanwhile, at the Taishifu, Xu Qingjia and others were growing increasingly alarmed at the details of the incident.
So he ordered his steward, Zhou Ming'an, to retrieve the letter left by Yu Zhongliang and to eliminate Gao Zheng and Xu Qingjia to silence them.
2024/07/26 22:15 KST
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