金与正氏が金正恩総書記の “娘”に「深くお辞儀」…娘は「後継者」?=北朝鮮
Kim Yo-jong ”bows deeply” to Kim Jong-un's ”daughter”...Is the daughter the ”successor”? = North Korea
Kim Jung Eun, the daughter of North Korean leader Kim Joo-ae, made her first public appearance in over 80 days, while her aunt, Kim Yo-jong, deputy director of the Workers' Party of Korea, greeted her niece.
On the 5th, North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported, "On the 4th, General Secretary Kim attended the handover ceremony for the new tactical ballistic missile launch pad in Pyongyang.
The video also showed Kim. Joo-ae followed Kim onto the stage, but Kim approached Joo-ae and showed her to her seat.
The sight of him standing upright became a hot topic. In contrast to Jue, who was standing upright, Deputy Director Kim smiled, bent over and stretched out his arms, showing great courtesy to Jue.
It is quite unusual for Kim Jong Un's sister and the second most powerful person in the country to entertain someone in public.
"This is not unrelated to the fact that he is considered a likely successor," some have suggested.
2024/08/09 16:38 KST
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