Democratic Party lawmaker meets with German ambassador to South Korea to ”convey position against removal of comfort woman statue in Berlin”
On the 28th, the Korean National Assembly's "Group of Lawmakers Opposing the Removal of the Berlin Statue of Peace" (Democratic Party lawmakers Choo Mi-ae, Han Jeong-ae, Jeong Yong-gi, Lee Jae-gan, and Kim Yong-man)
During a meeting with Georg Wilfried Schmidt, the German ambassador to South Korea, he conveyed his opposition to the movement to remove the Peace Statue located in Berlin's Mitte district.
The Girl of Peace statue in Berlin's Mitte district was erected by a Korean group in September 2020, but was removed following protests and a request for removal from the Japanese government.
The Mitte district office in Germany has now ordered the removal of the Statue of Peace by the end of September, and civic and human rights groups in Korea and Germany are campaigning against the removal.
Last month, the lawmaker also sent a letter to the mayor of Berlin's Mitte district, asking that the Statue of Peace be preserved.
"The world shares the values of human rights and peace and is designing the future together," he said. "The Statue of Peace is a symbol of historical truth, human rights and peace, and I ask for your cooperation in upholding its importance."
Rep. Han Jeong-ae said, "The 1943 Cairo Declaration commemorated the horrific slavery of Koreans by Japan and resolved that Korea should quickly become a free and independent country.
"The theme is 'comfort women and forced labor,' and its symbol, the Statue of Peace, has spread throughout the world and become a motif for women, human rights, and education."
2024/09/02 09:17 KST
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