South Korean Presidential Office: ”We hope this meeting between the ruling and opposition parties will be an opportunity to normalize the National Assembly”
Regarding the meeting between the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties held on the 1st, the South Korean presidential office commented, "We hope that this meeting will be an opportunity to normalize the National Assembly."
On the same day, senior officials in the presidential office said that People Power Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon and Democratic Party of Korea Chairman Lee Jae-myeo
Regarding the meeting between the two leaders, he said, "I welcome the meeting between the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties," and added, "This regular session of the National Assembly must be the first step toward the people's politics that the leaders of both parties promised to the people."
"Rather than that, we need to have a fast-track National Assembly on civil affairs bills that have no major differences of opinion between the ruling and opposition parties," he added.
He criticized the current state of the Diet, saying, "When I look at the Diet together with other citizens as a citizen, whether it is good or bad is secondary; it should function normally."
The leaders of the ruling and opposition parties met at the National Assembly on the same day and agreed to form a consultative body to jointly promote a common pledge for the people's lives.
This was the first time the two sides had met in 11 years, since 2013. However, they were unable to reach an agreement on the biggest points of contention, including the special prosecutor's investigation into the death of a Marine in the line of duty, health care reform, and the abolition of the financial investment tax.
Meanwhile, it has been revealed that President Yoon Seok-yeol will not be attending the inauguration ceremony of the 22nd House of Representatives, which will be held on the 2nd. In addition to the ongoing impeachment and hearing offensive by the opposition parties against the government, Choi of the Democratic Party of Korea has
The mood in the presidential office is that it may be difficult for the president to visit the National Assembly as Supreme Council Member Nhung Hyun-hee has not apologized for calling President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife "murderers."
It will be the first time since the 1987 constitutional reform that a president will not attend the opening ceremony of the National Assembly.
2024/09/01 19:27 KST
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