Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo to People Power: ”They're not even the opposition party...demanding for accountability for the Minister and Vice Minister of Health and Welfare is a forgetfulness of responsibility” (South Korea)
Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo criticized the People Power Party's demand for the head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare to be held accountable in relation to the conflict between the medical community and the government.
On the 6th, Mayor Hong wrote on his Facebook page, "I said, 'I want you to quickly adjust and mediate the composition of the task force (TF) to deal with the medical crisis,' but...
It would be understandable if they were making a big fuss about strengthening the medical countermeasures task force at a belated time. It is ironic that the ruling party, not the opposition party, is making a fuss about "holding the Minister and Vice Minister of Health and Welfare accountable" and has forgotten their own responsibilities.
Mayor Hong responded, "Is that the solution to the medical chaos? Isn't it the fault of the ruling party, which has not intervened and mediated between the doctors and the Presidential Office until now?"
He added, "Can they still be called the ruling party in power? It is the ruling party's job to provide a basis for the government and the Korean Medical Association to make concessions and compromises with each other."
Prior to this, the People's Power, including Minister of Health and Welfare Cho Kyu-hong and Second Vice Minister of Health and Welfare Park Min-soo, had spoken out on medical reform.
At a Supreme Committee meeting held at the National Assembly on the 5th, Kim Jong-hyuk, a member of the Han Dong-hoon faction, said, “There is no particular reason to dismiss the government officials who have been involved in the scandal.
"We need to take countermeasures. It starts with those who should take responsibility," he said, publicly addressing the issue of accountability.
In an interview, he said, "Shouldn't the heads of the responsible departments step down?" As the call for his replacement spread, Choo Kyung-ho, the floor leader of the People's Power Party, told reporters on the morning of the 6th, "Right now, we are focusing on medical reform.
"If there are some areas where communication is lacking, we should correct them while closely examining the problems on the ground and work to find solutions without any problems," said House Speaker Shu.
"It is not appropriate to bring up personnel issues at this point," he said. Meanwhile, People's Power Chairman Han Dong-hoon also responded to a question from reporters about the demand for his dismissal by saying, "I have been given important duties.
"I believe that public officials must refrain from making statements or taking actions that could cause concern or misunderstanding among the public," he said.
2024/09/06 20:59 KST
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