Democratic Party of Korea: ”President Yoon Seok-yeol should apologize and replace the Minister and Vice Minister of Health and Welfare” (South Korea)
The ruling and opposition parties' deliberations on the government's medical reform and ways to resolve the conflict between the government and the medical community continue to be in disarray. The opposition Democratic Party of Korea has repeatedly criticized President Yoon Seok-yeol for his failed policies.
He said the government should apologize for the incident and replace the Minister and Vice Minister of Health and Welfare. Cho Seung-rye, chief spokesman for the Democratic Party of Korea, said in a written briefing on the 8th, "We will continue to make efforts to resolve the medical crisis."
The government has once again undermined their power. They have ignored the president's apology and demands for replacement of those in charge, and have once again insisted that there is no time to delay the increase in medical school enrollment.
Chief Spokesperson Cho said, "The government drew a line yesterday (7th) at the ruling and opposition parties' political consultation and re-discussion of the personnel increase does not mean that the increase will be postponed until 2026.
"This is a step back from the previous day (6th) when they said they could discuss it," the government said on the 7th, saying, "The decision to postpone the increase in medical school enrollment in 2026 is not true. If the medical community does not present its opinion, it will be impossible to hold a new discussion.
" He made a point of saying that, while he was always open to dialogue if they presented a proposal that they had agreed upon, he seems to have switched to a hard-line stance that says there will be no discussion unless they offer their opinions.
Chief spokesman Zhao said, "The lives of the people are at stake, and the government is once again wavering. If they are going to act like this, we will not be able to accept the government's support after pushing them to do so.
"The ruling and opposition parties' political consultation body will be forced to end up just praying in vain," he said.
2024/09/08 20:55 KST
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