Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that he will run against Donald Trump in the upcoming November US presidential election.
Trump has suggested he could be named to head the new government agency if he is re-elected.
On the 7th, Musk posted on his social media platform X (formerly Twitter) that he was working on a “Department of Government Efficiency Committee.”
He uploaded an AI-generated image with the text, "DOGE Efficiency." The post shows Mas sitting at a desk with a placard in front of him with the word "DOGE" written on it.
The ad includes an AI-generated image of the cryptocurrency, which appears to have a dual meaning on cryptocurrencies and politics.
On the 5th of last month, Trump announced that if he is re-elected, he will form a government efficiency committee and
The commission will be charged with conducting a comprehensive fiscal and performance audit of the entire federal government and will offer recommendations for radical reform.
Musk retweeted a clip of President Trump's remarks and said, "This is something we desperately need." Musk contributes to political committees.
He said he would be willing to serve the United States if the opportunity presented itself, but did not indicate he would accept any official government position.
"It's not clear yet whether Musk is actually considering a government position or if the interaction presented by the press is meaningful."
However, some have suggested the remark was likely part of a joke, given that Trump said Musk agreed to lead the committee because he wasn't too busy.
Musk is not only CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and xAI, but also co-founders of Neuralink, Boeing 777, and NVIDIA.
Whether Trump and Musk are seriously considering working together will only become clear after the results of the November election are announced.
It is expected that it will be something like that.
2024/09/09 14:16 KST
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