Tokyo Electric Power Company is exploring mining Bitcoin... ”Experimenting with the use of renewable energy”
Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) is reportedly exploring the possibility of mining Bitcoin. According to Cointelegraph on the 9th, Agile Energy Co., a subsidiary of Tepco,
X (Agile Energy X) is a blockchain-based blockchain network that aims to reduce the waste of renewable energy used in Bitcoin mining and promote the universal use of Bitcoin mining.
The company is currently experimenting with utilizing renewable energy. Kenji Tateiwa, president of the company, emphasized that "if the experiment is successful, more eco-energy will be introduced."
He explained that the concept was inspired by the Japanese practice of "output control," which is a system that balances supply and demand.
This means intentionally reducing renewable energy output below what can actually be produced, in order to meet electricity transmission constraints.
The company has set up mining equipment near solar power plants in Gunma and Tochigi prefectures near Tokyo, where it plans to reduce the amount of money that could be wasted.
According to the Asahi Shimbun, a total of 1,920 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity will be subject to output controls across Japan in 2023.
This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of about 450,000 households. On the other hand, according to the company's simulation, if renewable energy sources accounted for 50% of Japan's electricity supply, about 240,000 GWh of electricity would be consumed annually.
The company claims that if 10% of this surplus electricity were used for bitcoin mining, it could generate $3.6 billion in bitcoin each year.
"If bitcoin mining could generate revenue and be used as part of corporate revenue, more eco-energy would be introduced," he said.
2024/09/09 18:34 KST
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