≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」12話、高啓強が曽闖の拳銃を使って徐江を射殺する=あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Chinese TV Series NOW> ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” EP12, Gao Qiqiang uses Zeng's gun to shoot Xu Jiang = Synopsis / Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In episode 12 of "Beginning," Gao Qiqiang is shown shooting and killing Xu Jiang using Zeng Zhou's gun.
Gao Qiqiang was trying to kill people while pretending to help them.
During the award ceremony, Li Xiang was led by An Xin to the security guards outside the auditorium.
An Xin had been put in charge of preparations. He ordered Li Xiang to keep an eye on people leaving the auditorium early, when he spotted a police car leaving the hall early.
Li Xiang chases after the police car and arrives at an abandoned factory where she finds Xu Jiang and Gao Qiqiang.
Li Xiang immediately reported the details of the incident to An Xin, who then asked Meng Dehai to give permission to mobilize.
In the abandoned factory, Gao Qiqiang used Zeng Zhuan's pistol to shoot and kill Xu Jiang.
When Lao Mo and Gao Qiqiang were faking the scene, Li Xiang arrived. In the end, the case had no choice but to be resolved quickly due to pressure from the city leaders. An Xin stood in front of Zeng Yan's tomb and saw Li
He scolded Li Xiang for not telling Hibiki the truth.
2024/09/11 20:13 KST
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