「家族の集まり」は取り消し…市民は「秋夕の “医療混乱”」を懸念=韓国
Family gatherings canceled...Citizens concerned about ”medical chaos” during mid-autumn celebration = South Korea
"For this mid-autumn celebration (Chuseok), I decided not to gather with my family. But I also decided not to go out and play anywhere. I have a family member with cancer, so I don't want to catch a cold in crowded places.
But if you do catch it, it will be really tough." A (38 years old), who looks after her father who has lung cancer, said, "I'm worried that my father will be exposed to colds and other viruses, so I'm going to stay home during the mid-autumn celebration holidays.
"The holidays for this mid-autumn celebration are very long, so if something happens to my father during that time,
"I think I might be passed around from one emergency room to another," he said. "It's not completely impossible.
"I'm really sorry that we can't gather as a family for the holidays, but I want to make sure nothing happens to my father," she said.
"It can't be helped because it's the top priority," he added. Amid growing concerns that "medical confusion" may occur during the mid-autumn celebration holiday period that runs from the 14th to the 18th of this month, citizens are
To prevent this from happening, people are taking various steps to respond in private ways, such as preparing medication in advance and keeping a list of mid-autumn celebration patients in the emergency room.
Meanwhile, the South Korean government has designated the two weeks from the 11th to the 25th of this month as the "mid-autumn celebration holiday emergency room" in preparation for the situation in which patients will be concentrated in emergency rooms during the mid-autumn celebration holiday.
The government has decided to operate the holiday as a "Response Week." It plans to designate local hospitals that will be in operation every day during the holiday period, actively deploy personnel to regional emergency medical centers, and strengthen the system for transmitting emergency medical care.
However, the public's concerns about the "medical confusion" caused by the mid-autumn celebration are not easing. In addition to the fact that this is the first national holiday since the mass resignation of medical residents, there are more emergency departments than usual during the mid-autumn celebration holiday.
This is due to a twofold increase in the number of patients visiting emergency rooms.
2024/09/13 16:59 KST
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