Actress Ha Ji Won is looking forward to space massage for headaches and insomnia... ”I feel healed”
In the second part of MBC's "Massage Road" broadcast on the 13th, Ha Ji Won, Kim Dae Ho, and Ahn Jae Hong visited India to experience massage.
The three expressed curiosity when they heard the words "space massage." In particular, Ha Ji Won, who is a space enthusiast, was the first to say "space massage" with anticipation.
The masseuse sprayed water on Ha Ji Won's head with a spray bottle and repeatedly told her to "relax." Kim Dae-ho and Ahn Jae-in were stunned by the look on the masseuse's face.
Not only Hong, but even Ha Ji Won, who was receiving the massage, burst out laughing. In the interview, Ha Ji Won said, "His breath kept getting into my face.
"At first I was a little confused because he kept yelling to relax while saying that," he confided.
Ha Ji Won then commented, "It felt more like a cultural experience that can only be found in India than a massage."
Ahn Jae Hong, who was the second to receive a massage, said, "At first, it was unfamiliar to me and I found it fun.
Afterwards, I really felt like what kind of energy those eyes were trying to give to us," he said in the interview.
Kim Dae-ho, who was the last to receive the massage, said, "At first it felt fake. It felt more like a ritual than a massage. I was really so happy."
"It was my first time to try such a cleansing facial," she said. She traveled to Kerala, located in southern India, to receive a massage that originated from martial arts.
Ha Ji Won, who was the first to receive a massage, said, "It was the exact opposite of what I had imagined. It reminded me of the massage my mother used to give me when I was little.
"It was very gentle, like the massage a baby gets," said Ahn Jae Hong, who also received the same gentle massage that Ha Ji Won received.
Finally, when it was Kim Dae-ho's turn, the master masseuse stepped in. To the flustered Kim Dae-ho, the masseuse said, "You need a strong massage.
"I could feel the muscles protruding," he explained. Prior to this, tests had determined that Kim Dae-ho's physical condition was still not good.
The masseuse was hanging from a rope attached to the ceiling, and was climbing up Kim Dae-ho's body.
The masseuse gently stepped on Moo Dae-ho's body and massaged him. The masseuse explained that Kim Dae-ho had pain from his left shoulder to his arm.
Kim Dae-ho responded by saying, "I once lost my arm while doing judo."
After receiving the massage, Kim Dae-ho said, "I felt humbled. My body was not fully capable of accepting this massage."
This seems like a special massage for strong people."
Finally, we went for an Ayurvedic massage. This massage requires a doctor's prescription before it can be received. The doctor will give a prescription that suits each of us, and the appropriate oil will be used.
Before the massage, Ha Ji Won confessed that she had headaches and insomnia. Ha Ji Won expressed her satisfaction, saying, "It felt like I was being healed."
Kim Dae-ho, who was prescribed a treatment for toxin buildup, commented after the massage, "The oil soaks into my body, and the 5,000-year history of India is soaking into my body."
It felt like that," he said, revealing his intuitive impression.
2024/09/14 08:13 KST
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