≪中華ドラマNOW≫「狂飆(きょうひょう) ーEnd of the Beginningー」15話、村が知的障害をもった李青を利用して高啓強に復讐しようとしていることを見破る安欣=あらすじ・ネタバレ
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ ”Kyouhyo -End of the Beginning-” EP15, the village is trying to take revenge on Gao Qiqiang by using the mentally disabled Li Qing. Anxin sees through it = Synopsis / Spoilers
※This article contains spoilers and synopsis.
In Episode 15 of "Beginning," he discovers that the village is using the mentally disabled Li Qing to take revenge on Gao Qiqiang.
After six years of knowledge of Gao Qiqiang and persistent investigation, An Xin discovered that the only witness was Li Xiang.
Li Hongwei tells his father that the deceased Li Shun had a mentally disabled son, Li Qing, and plans to use this fact to oppose Gao Qiqiang.
Li Youtian and Li Hongwei try to tell Li Qing the truth and get him to avenge the murder. Li Hongwei takes Li Qing to Gao Qiqiang, Chen Shuting and their
An Xin knew that the village was trying to take revenge on Gao Qiqiang by using the mentally disabled Li Qing.
Meanwhile, Li Youtian visited Li Qing's former again and confiscated all of Li Qing's medicines in order to stimulate his desire for revenge and make him more likely to take aggressive action. An Xin and his friends visited the storage facility for the forged certificates.
, and decided to search for clues related to the incident.
2024/09/14 23:51 KST
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