Southeast Asian resorts in crisis... overtourism problems mounting
A Southeast Asian resort area that was once known as a "paradise on earth" is now in crisis. Over-tourism has caused problems such as environmental destruction and a decline in the quality of life for residents, as tourists have flocked to the area beyond its capacity.
The situation has finally reached a point where the government has stepped in and taken special measures to protect tourist sites, such as environmental restoration.
The Indonesian island of Bali on the 9th announced that construction of hotels, apartments and clubs on some parts of the island would be halted.
The decision was made to suspend tourism for at least two to ten years. Overtourism caused by the sudden increase in tourists after the COVID-19 pandemic and the rude behavior of some tourists have become social issues, and the development
In the first half of this year, 2.9 million foreign tourists visited Bali, accounting for 65% of Indonesia's total tourists. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Bali has seen a sharp decline in visitors.
In addition, it was found that 1,520 tons, or 40% of the approximately 3,800 tons of garbage generated each day, is dumped on the beach without being properly treated.
The number of foreign tourists staying for long periods of time has recently increased, and this has led to social problems such as illegal lodgings and employment, which are halving the effectiveness of tourism revitalization.
This is the reason why the government has proposed to raise the tourist tax five-fold from $10 to $50. The social problems caused by foreign tourists are also serious.
Illegal labor is also common. One influencer was expelled after uploading a video of himself meditating naked in a temple in Bali.
There are also voices of self-reflection calling for a change in tourism policy from basic to qualitative growth. Bali Governor Wayan Costa said, "Now is the time to promote qualitative growth in tourism," and
"Rather than just attracting a large number of tourists, we will reorganize the system to improve the quality of tourists."
2024/09/17 10:36 KST
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