2019年以降の航空機内 “不法行為”、81%が「機内での喫煙」=韓国
81% of ”illegal acts” on airplanes since 2019 are ”smoking on board” = South Korea
In South Korea, there have been over 1,800 cases of illegal behavior on airplanes over the past five years, and it has been found that the majority of the illegal behavior is "smoking on board."
On the 17th, Lee Yong-hee, a member of the National Assembly's Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, obtained the document from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
According to the document, from 2019 to July of this year, there were a total of 1,868 cases of "illegal acts prohibited by aviation security on board aircraft" (handed over to the police) by 10 South Korean airlines.
Among these, the most common was "smoking on board" (1,509 cases, 80.8%). Smoking on board is strictly prohibited because it can wear out the aircraft's air filtration equipment and lead to fires.
Smoking on a stationary aircraft is punishable by a fine of up to 5 million won (US$5,300), and smoking on an in-flight aircraft is punishable by a fine of up to 10 million won (US$1,060).
"Crime that occurs on board an aircraft not only causes inconvenience to other passengers, but also poses a threat to aircraft safety, so airlines and investigative agencies should take strong action," Lee said.
I did.
2024/09/18 08:09 KST
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