China's general public budget revenue in January-August down 2.6% year-on-year - Chinese media
The Ministry of Finance of China has released the income and expenditure situation of the national general public budget (equivalent to general account) for the first eight months of this year. According to the information released, the national general public budget revenue for the first eight months of this year was 1.1% lower than the same period last year.
The total was 14.7776 trillion yen (approximately 302 trillion yen), down 2.6% from the previous fiscal year. This was due to the fact that taxes deferred in the same period of the previous fiscal year were paid by small and medium-sized enterprises, and tax cuts were introduced in the middle of the previous fiscal year.
If special factors are excluded, the increase will be about 1.0%. Divided into central and local governments, the central government's general public budget revenue will decrease by 6.2% to 6.5361 trillion yen (about 133 trillion yen).
Revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 increased 0.4% to 8.2415 trillion yen (approximately 168 trillion yen). National tax revenues decreased 5.3% to 12.1059 trillion yen (approximately 247 trillion yen), and non-tax revenues increased 11.7% to 2.1 trillion yen.
This amounts to 671.7 billion former (approximately 55 trillion yen).
2024/09/23 16:06 KST
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