Number of manufacturing companies in China exceeds 6 million, up 5.53% from end of 2023 - Chinese report
According to the China National Organization Unified Social Credit Code Service Center, the number of manufacturing enterprises in China has exceeded 6 million.
From January to August this year, the number of manufacturing companies in China showed steady growth.
As of today, the number of manufacturing enterprises has reached 6.03 million, up 5.53% from the end of 2023. Of these, 515,300 enterprises related to strategic emerging industries accounted for 8.55% of the total, up 20% from the end of 2023.
This represents a 6.35% increase from the end of 2011. By region, the eastern region has the largest number of manufacturing companies, with industrial concentration and the maturity of the industrial chain being high.
Policies to promote the optimization and upgrading of economic structure are beginning to show results, and the scale and quality of China's manufacturing enterprises are gradually improving.
2024/09/27 10:28 KST
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