The story depicts Seok-ryu (Somi) who was unable to reply within the deadline. Seok-ryu, who was looking at the messages exchanged with Seung-hyo, is about to reply to Seung-hyo as the deadline approaches.
"So what? I already answered. That's the end of it," Seok-ryu said, unable to hide his disappointment.
When Mo-eum (Kim Jieun) met Seung-hyo, she asked, "Was Seok-ryu okay yesterday?
"I heard you went to Hyunjun's place?" she said, concerned. "I don't want her to cry too much and burden me. I can't force her to answer," she thought bitterly.
In response to Mo-um's words, "In the end, will you take another step back?" Seung-hyo replied, "I don't want to upset a girl's already complicated mind."
Seunghyo and Moeum looked at the clock as the next day approached. As midnight passed, they said, "It's over.
"That's a shame," he said, expressing his regret.
2024/09/25 16:19 KST
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