Yellow envelope law rejected after second parliamentary vote...automatic scrapping = South Korea
The Yellow Envelope Act (the amendment to the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act), which President Yoon Seok-yeol requested to be revoted in the National Assembly, was rejected on the 26th and scrapped.
This is the second time since the 21st National Assembly. In the secret ballot held at the National Assembly plenary session that afternoon, the Yellow Envelope Law received 183 votes in favor, 113 against, 1 abstention, and no votes out of a total of 299 votes.
The bill was rejected by two effective votes. For a bill that has been subject to a reconsideration request to pass the National Assembly again, a majority of the members present must be present and at least two-thirds of those present must vote in favor.
The Yellow Envelope Law aims to strengthen the responsibility of subcontractors towards subcontracted workers and to restrict claims for damages against labor unions that go on strike.
The bill was passed by the National Assembly plenary session for the first time in November last year under the leadership of the opposition camp, including the Democratic Party of Korea, but was ultimately scrapped after being rejected by President Yoon's veto and a second vote.
The bill that was rejected on this day was reintroduced by the Democratic Party of Japan in the 22nd National Assembly, and was submitted to the National Assembly plenary session on August 5.
The bill was passed under the leadership of the opposition camp. At the time, the People's Power Party (ruling party) did not participate in the bill in protest of the opposition camp's forced passage, and Reform New Party lawmakers Lee Jun-seok and Lee Ju-yeon voted against it.
On August 13, the day the bill was passed, the government called for a second vote in the National Assembly, citing concerns that the bill could damage the very essence of labor unions and increase the damage caused by illegal strikes.
2024/09/26 20:56 KST
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