”Big 5” ophthalmologists, members of ”drug circle” and post-drug surgery in Korea
In South Korea, a doctor in his 30s who was arrested and indicted on suspicion of prescribing illegal drugs with members of a university student union club was found guilty of misconduct at one of the big five university hospitals (Seoul National University Hospital, Yonsei University Medical Center, Samsung Seoul Hospital, Seoul Medical Center ...
It was revealed that the man was an ophthalmologist at the Korea St. Mary's Hospital and Korea University Medical Center. The prosecution has arrested him and is investigating the extent of the damage.
The Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office said that a doctor in his 30s, A, who was arrested and indicted on the 12th of this month, was
On the 27th, it was revealed that Mr. A was an ophthalmologist affiliated with the "Group 5" Hospital. Mr. A is a clinical instructor at Advanced General Hospital with about nine years of medical experience and has performed surgery involving the prescription of narcotic painkillers.
According to the prosecution, Mr. A is suspected of having administered illegal drugs three times over a period of about one month between October and November of last year. Mr. A was a former member of the group, Yom (
31) Unlike the college students who drove about 30km to Yom's residence and transferred the drug money to Yom's account, they bought and sold the drugs in cash.
On the day of the medication, Mr. A arrived to work at the hospital and performed surgery on seven patients.
In response, a prosecutor said, "It is possible that the surgery performed by Mr. A was performed while the effects of the medication were still in effect," and "We will consider whether to apply charges such as obstruction of business to the hospital and provide a justification for the patient."
"We plan to further investigate whether there was any damage from the club," he said. Prior to this, the prosecution had investigated the illegal drug use and trade that occurred in the nation's second largest university student club and investigated the club's officials and other members.
After further investigation, the prosecution indicted three additional people, including Yeom and the club's executive Lee (25), who had already been arrested and indicted, and also indicted A and a 40-year-old Kosuda.
On the 26th, the company announced that it had arrested and indicted additional executives of listed companies.
2024/09/27 21:28 KST
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