US Secretary of State: ”We must put pressure on North Korea, China and Iran and cut off arms sales to Russia”
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on the 27th (local time) that "We must pressure North Korea, Iran, China and others to stop providing weapons and other supplies that support Russia's continued war."
" Secretary Blinken said at the UN Security Council meeting in New York on the same day that "an overwhelming majority of countries condemn Russian aggression and call for a lasting peace in accordance with the UN Charter.
"What is important for this is the provision of weapons, artillery and machinery to Iran, North Korea and China, a permanent member of the Security Council, as well as other actions by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"We must stop the acts of supporting the destruction of Ukraine by China," he said.
"About 70 percent of the machine tools and 90 percent of the microelectronic products that Russia imports are produced in China and Hong Kong,
"It is helping Moscow produce the missiles, rockets, armored vehicles and munitions it needs to wage the war."
He continued, "On the one hand, China says it wants peace and an end to the conflict, but on the other hand,
"It's completely outrageous that we are allowing President Trump to take substantial steps to support continued aggression."
2024/09/28 17:08 KST
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