North Korea's new generation of ”jangmadang” poses major obstacle to third-generation Kim family succession
A new generation in North Korea, the so-called "Jangmadang (black market) generation," is a key variable for the future of the country. This generation grew out of the 1980s and 1990s
It is said that the city experienced the Hard March (a period of economic hardship due to famine and failed economic policies) and grew up without government support.
Kim Gyu-hyun, former director of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea,
"We should conduct a cultural and psychological warfare suited to the Jangmadang generation," he said at the 86th Human Rights Seminar held on September 30. Kim, who served as the first director of the National Intelligence Service under the Yoon administration, is a North Korean
Kim was speaking at a seminar organized by the rights group Mulmancho on the theme of “The Road to Liberalization of North Korea.” He said, “The 25-44 age group, which accounts for 29 percent of North Korea’s population,
"The Dan generation grew up experiencing the 'Arduous March' and were not afforded the benefits of the authorities," he said, adding, "They had the experience of being exposed to foreign culture through Jangmadang."
He continued, "Politically, the Jangmadang generation follows the instructions of the Workers' Party, but deep down they are dissatisfied. Economically, they cannot tolerate the infringement of their private interests and are resisting.
"They also have a strong cultural desire," he said, adding that North Korean authorities have not let their guard down against the Jangmadang generation.
Kim said, "The North Korean authorities view the Jangmadang generation as a threat, and the Rodong Sinmun newspaper has pointed out that the new generation's thinking has changed."
"The North Korean regime has created three major evil laws, including the Pyongyang Culture and Language Protection Act, and is cracking down on them vigorously," he added.
He also said that the government's positioning of South Korea as an enemy country, defining Japan as a "mutually beneficial bilateral relationship," had a strong defensive aspect aimed at blocking the admiration for South Korea among the Jangmadang generation.
Kim also predicted that the relationship between North Korea and Russia, which has grown closer since last year, will not last long.
"North Korea in particular wants the transfer of modern weapons technology, such as missiles, which Russia will not provide," he said.
Kim said the reason Russia is getting closer to North Korea is because of the "long-term nature of the Ukrainian war."
"It is merely a tactical approach to obtain supplies of conventional weapons, which are in short supply due to the North's nuclear program," he said, adding that "Russia cannot be a lifeline for North Korea."
On the other hand, Kim said, "North Korea's lifeline is China, not Russia. However, North Korea is supporting Russia, which invaded Ukraine, so it is for economic reasons that it is willing to cooperate with the United States."
"For China, which has to manage its relations with North Korea and Europe, North Korea is a burden," Kim said.
"The newly wealthy class (those who made their fortunes in North Korea) have accumulated wealth based on trade with China," he said, adding, "If an abnormal trend occurs in North-China relations, the power structure that makes money in North Korea will also change."
” he predicted.
2024/10/01 05:44 KST
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