Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest opposition party in South Korea, said on the 3rd, "If the general election was the first judgment, then the re-election and by-elections should be the second judgment of the administration."
Lee called for support for the Democratic Party candidates in the re-election and by-election for local government heads to be held on the 16th of this month.
In a campaign speech in support of Gyeonggwang County Mayor candidate, he said, "If the president and members of the National Assembly use the power they have been given to only think about 'how to get rid of him' and 'how to line their own pockets,'
Lee said, "Even though the ruling party was judged by the overwhelming majority victory of the opposition party in the last general election, it has failed to regain its senses.
"It has gotten even worse than before," he said, adding, "I am keenly aware of how much an unjust administration can destroy a country. Now is the time to judge it and prepare for a change of government."
In the afternoon, Lee visited Busan and continued his campaign speech in support of Kim Kyung-ji, candidate for the by-election for head of Busan Kimjeong-gu District.
He said, "In the last general election, most people in the Republic of Korea gave the Democratic Party a chance, but in Busan, the Democratic Party was the one being judged.
"Even if that was the case in the first trial, I urge you to hold them (the ruling party) accountable in this second trial," he said.
He continued, "Even children need to be scolded when they make a mistake. If you spoil them, they will grow up to be antisocial."
"We need rewards and punishments. Groups that turn a blind eye to crimes committed by others on their side, but shift the blame onto others when crimes are not theirs, must be brought to justice," he reiterated.
In particular, Chairman Lee proposed that the Fatherland Reform Party form a unified candidate for Kimjong-gu head.
Lee said, "While the opposition parties are weak, the Democratic Party and the Fatherland Reform Party are competing against each other.
"You may be worried if you see the situation change," he said, "but there is no need to worry. We will definitely realize a unified candidate." He added, "I also spoke with Chairman Cho Kuk on the way to Busan.
"We may compete, but it's not to eliminate each other, it's to make the pie bigger," he said, emphasizing, "By working together, we will definitely win."
Lee also posted on Facebook with the title, "Let's accept the will of the people with the Busan unification candidate," and said, "What the opposition party needs to do now is to prepare the tools for judgment.
"Let's repay the people who have suffered from the government's betrayal with a great unified candidate," he said.
2024/10/04 06:46 KST
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