ロシア「無人機事件は北への “主権侵害”」…「“内政干渉”をやめよ」
Russia: ”The drone incident is an infringement of sovereignty” of the North... ”Stop interfering in its internal affairs”
While North Korea claims that a South Korean drone entered the airspace over Pyongyang and dropped anti-North Korea leaflets, Russia also agreed, saying it was an infringement of North Korea's sovereignty and interference in its internal affairs.
A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on the 14th (local time) that "Seoul's actions are a serious violation of North Korea's sovereignty and undermine the legitimate national and political system of an independent nation."
"We cannot help but see this as a violation of North Korea's right to develop independently," he said. "The North Korean report that 'South Korean drones dropped leaflets on North Korean territory, including Pyongyang,'
"South Korean authorities should take North Korea's warning very seriously and should not allow any reckless provocative actions to threaten the Korean Peninsula," the spokesman said.
"Such actions that further escalate tensions and could lead to an actual armed incident must be stopped," he said.
"Russia has signed a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty with North Korea.
"We will continue to play a constructive role, including based on the above, to prevent the deepening of danger on the Korean Peninsula and return the situation to a positive one," he said.
2024/10/15 07:39 KST
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