Actress Han GAIN, when asked about her first kiss with her husband Yun Jyung Hoon, says, ”Honestly...” Her candid conversation skills are a hot topic
Actress Han Gain showed off her candid talking skills on LIVE STREAM. On the 16th, Han Gain released a video titled "Freedom Lady Han Gain" on her YouTube channel, "The first in history to be featured on LIVE STREAM.
Han GAIN did a LIVE STREAM titled "5 Kinds of Kimchi Meal Video with Rice in Burnt Soup". On this day, Han GAIN and her husband, actor Yun Jyung Hoon, held a live stream.
A viewer who was curious about Tory asked when their first kiss was. Han Gain responded, "I think it was two or three weeks after we started dating," and "I honestly can't remember."
"I don't remember the last kiss, but I remember it was in the car," she said. "No comment on the last kiss."
He continued, "If I could be given 10 billion won (approximately 1 billion yen) and have my face changed randomly, I would do it.
When asked, "Will you do it?" he coolly replied, "Of course I will. It'll cost 10 billion yen. It doesn't matter if I get anything out. I've been given 10 billion yen."
Han Gain says that she doesn’t pursue external beauty in that way, but she also goes to the shops before the show.
"I went to the festival," he confessed, causing the production crew to erupt. In response to a comment asking him to meet Kim Dongjun (ZE:A), who is said to resemble Han GAIN, he said, "I want to meet Dongjun and
There seems to be a lot of people who want to see them side by side. My friend knows Dongjun and said that my son and he look very similar. He looks more like Dongjun than my husband.
"I heard that he was from a foreign country, so I think it would be interesting to meet him once," he said. In addition, when asked which of his parents he resembles, he said, "My mother's side is foreign. But I resemble both my father and my mother.
Han Gain married actor Yun Jyung Hoon in 2005 and has one son and one daughter.
2024/10/17 19:52 KST
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