Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin introduced the concept of “info finance.”
In a recent blog post, “From Prediction Markets to Information Finance,” Buterin discussed how blockchain technology can help aggregate, organize and distribute insights more effectively.
Buterin described information finance as "the science that starts with the facts you want to know and ends with markets that extract that information from market participants in the most optimal way."
Next, they propose prediction markets as a way to gather insights into future events, and PolMarket (PolMarket), where users bet on outcomes to generate database insights.
He emphasized the importance of platforms like ymarket, which he believes can shape public expectations without the exaggeration or influence of the media.
He summed up information finance as a three-sided market, saying: "Election predictions are just the first application. Bettors make predictions, readers read the predictions. The market is public.
As a collective, we will make predictions about the future."
2024/11/11 16:19 KST
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