「SHINee」キー、待望の洋食調理技能士の実技試験 D-DAY=「シングル男のハッピーライフ」
SHINee's Key takes the long-awaited Western food cooking skill exam D-DAY = ”A Single Man's Happy Life”
Boy group SHINee member Key was seen concentrating on his final practice on the day of his long-awaited Western cuisine cooking skills exam, catching everyone's attention.
On the 29th, MBC's "I Live Alone" (Japanese title: Single Man's Happy Life) will feature Key as a Western food chef.
The scene of the practical exam D-DAY has been revealed. Key will finally take the practical exam for the Western cuisine cooking technician certification. Key, who passed the written exam with confidence in April last year, said, "I gave up my beloved kitchen,
"I tried my best and really worked hard," he said, revealing that he had been practicing cooking every day after work, not only memorizing recipes but also cutting down on sleep.
Key's recipe notebook, filled with recipes, shows his efforts. Key was immersed in practicing cooking right up until the moment he went to take the exam, in a messy kitchen (?) from the previous practice.
He practices making omelets, which is considered one of the most dreaded test topics among students. He has to complete the menu within 20 minutes, so he sets the timer just like in the real test and focuses on the task.
During the cooking process, Key checks the sound of the eggs cooking and makes a perfect omelette. "I did exactly as you taught me and it turned out well," he says confidently.
However, Key was not satisfied with that and continued to work on countless projects with the ambition to "make something that anyone can see and pass."
As the exam time approached, Kee was so focused on making the omelette that every minute became more and more urgent. He confessed that he was feeling nervous and impatient, saying, "This is the first time I've ever experienced such a difficult test in my life."
Attention is focused on whether Key, who has been doing his best and practicing hard for this new challenge, will be able to pass the practical exam. All of this will be broadcast on the 29th at 11:10 pm on the Korean drama "I'm Alone".
You can check it out in "Living".
2024/11/28 11:27 KST
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