The story depicts Gu Deok (played by Lim Ji Yeon) pretending to be Tae Yeon (played by Song Naeun). After pretending to be the dead Tae Yeon for a while, Gu Deok tells Mrs. Han (played by Kim Mi Soo) "Ma'am,
"I am not Tae Yeon. I am someone who worked at the inn where the young lady was staying," he said, revealing his true identity. "The young lady, of all people, helped someone like me... I should have died.
But please kill me, Madam." Kudoku bowed her head and said, "I will accept the punishment for pretending to be a young lady, so please let me meet the prefectural governor. I know who they are.
After Kuduk gave a detailed description of where the bandits were staying, he asked, "Could you give me a description of their faces?" The County Superintendent (Sung Dong Il) replied, "We can catch them.
"I couldn't do it, but... you have a very intelligent grandson," he praised. Mrs. Han, who had been watching Guduk closely, said, "Pretend to be Tae Yeon until the bandits are caught.
Who would believe your words if they knew what you were saying?"
[2話予告]オク氏夫人伝 -偽りの身分 真実の人生-
2024/12/03 16:04 KST
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