最近の「偽造紙幣」は “SNS”を通じて販売…韓国銀行「取り締まりを強化せねば」
Recently, ”counterfeit banknotes” are being sold through ”SNS”... Bank of Korea ”must step up crackdown”
The Bank of Korea warned that "there are increasing cases of mass-producing counterfeit banknotes and distributing them through social media," and that "we must step up our crackdown."
According to the Bank of Korea on the 12th, the Counterfeit Prevention Working Group held its "Regular Meeting for the Second Half of 2024" at the Bank of Korea main building on the morning of the 11th of this month, and announced the following:
The conference participants emphasized, "The method of circulating counterfeit banknotes is shifting toward using digital platforms such as social media, so we need to further strengthen our systems for blocking and monitoring the circulation of counterfeit banknotes.
In particular, they agreed that, "In the past, counterfeit bills were mostly produced on a small scale and then used directly, but recently, counterfeit bills are being mass-produced and distributed via social media."
It is important to note that there is a growing possibility that the amount of counterfeit banknotes in circulation will increase, as there are increasing cases of counterfeit banknotes being sold through ATMs.
Some of the attendees said, "The level of counterfeiting of U.S. dollars and securities has become increasingly sophisticated, and such technology is being used to counterfeit the won.
"We must be vigilant in preventing them from being misused for counterfeiting," he said, emphasizing that "in the long term, we need to strengthen anti-counterfeiting measures."
2024/12/13 07:29 KST
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