This TV series tells the story of a mature family consisting of five unique brothers from the "Doksuri Brewery" business, who have their own unique personalities, and Jang Hyun-Soo, who suddenly became head of the household after her husband died suddenly 10 days after her marriage.
In the drama, Um Jee Won plays the role of Ma Gwangsook, a clerk at the post office who is positive and always full of passion, and An Jae Wook plays the role of the chairman of LX Hotel.
He played the role of Han Dong-seok, who has a difficult and sensitive personality. What kind of dramatic situation will the meeting between Um Jee Won and An Jae Wook, who have two very different personalities, create?
The stills released of the two of them together are attracting attention. The stills contain a moment of confrontation between the two.
When Gwangsook met Dongseok at the hotel to sign the contract, he had feelings for him.
He makes a suggestion that he can't accept, but Dong-seok just turns his head to the side with his hands in his pockets. Dong-seok also stops speaking and turns around when Gwangsook makes a suggestion that is full of kindness.
Unlike the bright-faced Gwangsook, Dongseok has a cold look in his eyes, so it is interesting to see why the two of them became involved. Meet the chemistry between Um Jee Won and An Jae Wook as they argue
KBS2TV's new weekend TV series "Please Take Care of the 5 Tokkuri Brothers" will premiere in February as the sequel to "Iron Family."
2025/01/02 10:07 KST
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