Actor Shim HyungTak and his wife Saya, who are celebrating the birth of their first child, revealed the story behind their birth today (15th) on ”Groom Training”
The secret birth story of actor Shim Hyun-tak and his Japanese wife Saya will be broadcast on ‘Groom Training’.

 According to a report in the Korean media on the 15th January (today), Shim Hyun-tak and his wife Saya gave birth to their first child, and the secret story of the birth will be revealed for the first time in the Channel A variety programme ‘Groom Training’, which will be broadcast today.

 In the programme, the two will be shown getting ready for the birth two weeks ahead of time. The programme will also continue to broadcast the birth process and the birth story.

 Meanwhile, Shim Hyun-tak and his Japanese wife Saya made their goal in August 2023, and although they were born in 1978 and have an 18-year age difference, their love story transcends nationality and age and has attracted a lot of attention.
2025/01/15 14:59 KST
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