≪韓国ドラマNOW≫「オク氏夫人伝 -偽りの身分 真実の人生-」16話(最終回)、イム・ジヨンが新しい人生を切り開く=視聴率13.6%、あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Korean TV Series NOW> ”The Story of Mrs. Ok - False Identity, True Life” EP16 (final episode), Lim Jiyeon carves out a new life = Viewership rating 13.6%, Synopsis and spoilers
*This article contains spoilers. JTBC TV Series "Mrs. Ok's Story - False Identity, True Life" EP16 (viewership rating 13.6%) features Tae Yeon (Limb JIYEON)
) casts off his social status, stands tall on his own two feet, and carves out a new life for himself with Seung-hee (Choo Young Woo).
Tae Yeon pretends to have a rare disease in order to expose the conspiracy surrounding the disease affair.
He entered the village and discovered a conspiracy hatched by Choi Jeong-gi, the Minister of the House of Representatives. The strange disease was actually caused by a painkiller that Choi Jeong-gi mixed with poisonous herbs, and he was accused of spreading it.
He had set up a quarantine village by deception and stolen the supplies that were sent there. When this fact was revealed, Jun-gi was abandoned and executed by the Minister he trusted, and his concubine Seo-hye (Ha Yuri)
) also became government slaves and lived in the lowest class of society. However, Tae Yeon said that even after the truth was revealed, those who volunteered in the isolation villages were given freedom and were able to live their own lives.
He once again became a civilian thanks to the efforts of the many people he had helped.
Tae Yeon finally met her father on the path paved by so many people, including the people, the wives of the Mothers Association, the people and her family.
Furthermore, his life was saved by the voluntary sacrifice of Yoon-gyeom (played by Choo Young Woo 2).
Seung-hee returns to being Tae Yeon's former partner, and the two spend happy days with Tae Yeon's father and son Man-seok in the seaside house of their dreams.

[16話予告]オク氏夫人伝 -偽りの身分 真実の人生-
[16話予告]オク氏夫人伝 -偽りの身分 真実の人生-

2025/01/27 16:29 KST
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