<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”Prefabricated Family - Where Our Love Lies” Episode 5 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes... Hwang In Yeop answers the question of how long he will be able to play the student role = Photo
Backstory and Synopsis
<Korean TV Series REVIEW> ”Prefabricated Family - Where Our Love Lies” Episode 5 Synopsis and Behind the Scenes... Hwang In Yeop answers the question of how long he will be able to play the student role = Photo
Backstory and Synopsis
*This contains spoilers and synopsis. *There is a making-of video on the Wowkorea page. From the beginning of the video to 1:24.
This time, we continue from the interview at the press conference. Hwang In Yeop: The three of us are going to have dinner together again today.
Director: I want to eat with you. Hwang In Yeop: Let's go together. (laughs) MC: How old can Hwang In Yeop be to act in uniform?
Hwang In Yeop: I always thought it would be the last time I would wear a uniform for a shoot, but it really suited you. What do you think about that? And the chemistry between the three of you?
It's true. I always get to play a good role in the series, so I don't think I need to go out of my way to not wear a uniform. Also, in this setting, 10 years is for students, and 10 years is for adults.
In order to get into the role of a high school student, the three of us actually met up in person. Including the director, if we had a few drinks we could talk casually about various things, so we didn't get too close in that way.
The two of them are still in their 20s, so they didn't have to make that much effort and looked like high school students. I think I put in more effort. I think the message was conveyed through the TV series.
I hope so. ●Reactions from Korean netizens● "As expected of Hwang In Yeop" "In Yeop-sama looks good in the uniform" "I'm looking forward to this" "I definitely want to see it"
"I want you to try your best to wear the uniform." Synopsis: "Prefabricated Family - Where is Our Love?" Episode 5 (viewership rating 2.5%) features a drunk Jeong-jae (Choi
The scene shows how Won Young (Won Young) feels sorry for Hae Jun (Bae Hyeon Seong) who is trying to read his mood.
"You should have brought her here when she was younger. If you had, you could have raised her without her realizing that you brought her here. If you had, you could have raised her without her telling you to do your best.
You have a child. Why can't people with children understand that? You feed them, you clothe them, you put them to bed. It's all for your own happiness, right? But what about the happiness of these children?
Why should I have to worry about Hyejun's reaction when I'm doing something I like?" In response, Lee Hyun said, "
I am very grateful to you, not to look at me, but to you." Jeongjae said, "I am living for my children, without spitting on the street. If something happens to them later, I will be able to help them."
I thought I would regret all of that. I'm alive thanks to my children. I should be grateful. One was taken by my mother, and the other was taken by my aunt. Hye-ju
"Ng is the kind of girl who would try to help me if I did something, whenever she had the time. What could such a kind girl have done so badly?" she said, crying.