On the same day, Rep. Jang wrote on his Facebook page, "The Constitutional Court has decided to impeach Han Deok-soo for no reason.
"They are postponing the impeachment trial against the acting president. They are only doing hateful things," he said.
Rep. Jang was the first to receive the impeachment hearing on the 19th of last month, 54 days after the Constitutional Court suspended Acting President Han.
After pointing out that the oral argument ended in just 90 minutes, he said, "Another 20 days have passed since the oral argument ended. The Constitutional Court has yet to give its answer."
"The Constitutional Court violated the procedures. When the National Assembly requested the Constitutional Court to send the investigation records of the State Council members, etc., it approved the request," he said.
"But even that was rejected by the prosecution, who said, 'The investigation is ongoing and we cannot send you the records.' It was a response that perfectly violated Article 32 of the Constitutional Court Act, which the Constitutional Court has always ignored."
"Now the Constitutional Court no longer has any reason to resort to tricks to delay the sentencing. The reasons for the delay are well known to all citizens," Jang wrote.
"The longer it takes, the more suspicions will grow that the Constitutional Court is in collusion with the Democratic Party, just like the Office for Investigation of Crimes by High-Ranking Public Officials. The public's anger toward the Constitutional Court is reaching a critical point.
"We've crossed the line. We can't let today pass," he added.
2025/03/10 20:36 KST
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